Welcome To Developer's Portal

# Service
1. Jenkins CI*
2. Git*
3. SonarQube*
4. Docker Registry*
5. DB Console*
6. Kube Console*
7. Traefik Console*
* To access these services you will requires your corporate login / password. If you are not able to access / login to these services, please contact us using the information provided on the footer of this page.

# Projects
1. Platform-Plugin-Bom
2. Platform-Bom
3. UI Toolkit*

# Projects
1. Logging
2. Testing Framework
3. Test Utils
4. Persistence
5. Rest Objects
6. Services
7. Utils

# Service
1. Docker Images*
2. WebDav Server*
3. RestServer*
4. Kube Deployer*
Latest News
We have moved to Google Cloud Platform and use them for our services. We are now 100% GCP based using kubernetes as the base service.
Developer's portal
For all those interested in developing and reading about technology and agile practices and techniques, we have a new Developer Portal..